The Unsuspecting Mage is the first of seven volumes that constitute the Morcyth Sage written by Brian S. Pratt. The book follows the adventures of a guy who likes Role Playing games, just finished high school and on what he expects to be a job interview is sent to a different reality where he become a mage. Late in the morning, he comes upon a small clearing. He pauses at the edge upon spying several rabbits. His stomach has been grumbling for the past hour, those berries hadn’t done much to satiate his hunger. As he gazes upon the rabbits, a memory of when his father had once caught and cooked a rabbit during one of their camping trips makes it even worse. Knowing that his skill rating with a spear was probably somewhere near zero, he comes up with a spell to help his aim. Holding his spear and preparing to throw, he quietly says: Spear of mine please strike true, Strike the rabbit and go right through. As the last syllable is spoken, he takes aim at the nearest rabbit, draws back his arm and throws. When the spear leaves his hand, he again feels the surge of power. The…